Ranking and referencing our partners

How are Partners and their offers ranked and referenced?

[Last update on September 2023]

Deliveroo ranks partner restaurants and grocers (Partners) and items displayed for sale based on where those Partners and items are displayed on the Deliveroo app or website (Deliveroo Platform).

Homepage / Search bar ranking

The ranking of Partners and items displayed for sale on the homepages of the Deliveroo Platform or via the search bar tool on the homepages is tailored for our users. This means each user sees Partners and items ranked according to their preferences.

Ranking is mainly based on the likelihood that a user will order from Partners presented to them. The main criteria are:

  • a user’s order history (for example, whether a user has previously placed an order from a Partner, shown a particular preference for a cuisine type, the frequency and typical time an order is placed by a user with a Partner and how the user navigates the Deliveroo Platform),
  • the characteristics of a current order (for example, the time of day the user is browsing, how long a user can expect to wait between placing an order and receiving it and the distance between the Partner’s location and the delivery location),
  • the characteristics of Partners (for example, rating of the user and other customers, affiliation to certain chains and networks of Partners and whether a Partner is currently running a promotion).

Ranking may also be influenced by other parameters, though the above criteria takes precedence. Any secondary parameters serve to fine tune our ranking, which include, for example:

  • trends in popular cuisines being ordered and browsed by users,
  • financial considerations, such as revenue and cost, and
  • the availability of items (for example, our search results may show alternatives where certain items are not available).

We look to continually improve our user experience on the Deliveroo Platform so these factors may change over time. Our ranking models respond to, and learn from, user preferences and past purchasing behaviour to drive a better user experience.


The « carousel » refers to our display of Partners and items displayed for sale on the Deliveroo Platform. The carousel aims to highlight certain Partners based on a selection of criteria. From time on the time we may display different carousels on the Deliveroo Platform, including the:

  • « Order again » carousel which shows Partners a user has recently placed an order with,
  • « Fastest delivery » carousel which shows Partners with the fastest delivery time,
  • « Featured » carousel which shows sponsored Partners, meaning those that have paid to appear in the carousel (see below on Paid placements ranking),
  • « Offers near you » carousel which shows Partners that are running promotional offers,
  • « Plus discounts » carousel which shows Partners that are running special offers for Deliveroo Plus subscribers,
  • « New on Deliveroo » carousel which shows Partners that are newly registered on the Deliveroo platform,
  • « Top-rated » carousel which shows Partners that have received the best user ratings in the area,
  • « Only on Deliveroo » carousel which shows Partners available only on the Deliveroo Platform.

From time to time, we may display other carousels on the Deliveroo Platform.

Partner menu pages

The ranking of item categories and specific items shown on Partner menu pages are set up by the Partner.

Menu search

The ranking of items shown via the search bar tool on the Partner’s menu page is based on the search terms used by users and popular items (i.e. most ordered items by users).

Paid placements ranking

Partners may enter into commercial partnerships and pay Deliveroo so that the Partner and/or their items are displayed in certain places on the Deliveroo Platform. These paid placements are tagged as “sponsored” or “paid placement from our Partners”. Some paid placements may also be displayed in the “Featured” carousel.

Referencing / Dereferencing

Where a contract entered into between a Partner and Deliveroo has been suspended, expired or terminated, the Partner will no longer feature on the Deliveroo Platform.

How are our partner riders ranked and referenced on our platform?

[Last update on September 2023]

Referencing of partner riders on our platform

A partner rider is referenced on the Deliveroo platform and can therefore provide delivery services via the Deliveroo application and website if the following conditions are met:

  • the partner rider has signed a service contract with Deliveroo that is still in force,
  • the partner rider meets the legal and regulatory conditions governing, where applicable, access to his profession and the provision of services.

In this context, Deliveroo verifies certain documents and information of rider partners before allowing them to activate their account on the Deliveroo platform.

When a consumer places an order on the Deliveroo platform and indicates his or her wish to have their meal/groceries delivered, Deliveroo sends a proposal for delivery services to a partner rider who is available or who will be available very soon to perform such services.

Partner riders can use the Deliveroo platform if they wish, when they wish and in the geographical area they wish.

Partner riders are under no obligation of exclusivity and may perform their services with any other company, even Deliveroo's competitors, under any type of status.

Partner riders are free to accept or reject a proposed delivery service.

Dereferencing of partner deliverers on our platform

A partner rider may be dereferenced from the Deliveroo platform:

  • in the event of non-compliance with their legal, regulatory or contractual obligations,
  • if a partner rider or Deliveroo exercises its right to terminate the service contract, subject to prior notice.

In the event of dereferenced, the partner rider will no longer be able to access the Deliveroo platform and will no longer receive delivery service proposals from Deliveroo.

How are partner riders ranked on our platform?

We do not rank partner riders on the Deliveroo platform.